International University – Vietnam National University of HCMC

Some good news in early 2022 from the success of students of Space Engineering – International University

  1. Nguyen Le Tien, a 4th year student who is about to receive her diploma, will study a master’s program at Yamagata University, Japan, majoring in Remote Sensing Technology.
    When Tien entered the school as a student with knowledge of Physics, he almost had to study Physics again from the beginning, sometimes he thought he had to give up. But with the perseverance, his own efforts, the enthusiastic help and inspiration of the teachers, Tien has made spectacular strides in learning and research.
  1. Nguyen Ngoc Huy Hoang, a graduate, is an assistant professor at the Department of Physics, received a scholarship to do doctoral studies at UST University and KASI Institute, Korea, majoring in space science, strata research. Electrolyzer uses GNSS navigation system. Hoang was once sent by the Department to practice in Taiwan and Korea.
  2. Nguyen Xuan (4th year, team leader) and Le Dang Khoa (3rd year), who participated in the selection for the Global Satellite Tracking Initiative project were selected and will receive 1 kit for research. The Global Satellite Tracking Initiative project received nearly 200 applications from 60 countries, but only 10 kits were issued to groups.

Congratulations to the students and alumni of Space Engineering for their initial success!