On the eve of the New Year, the Prime Minister has just promulgated the Strategy for the development and application of space science and technology until 2030. In which, the overall objective of the Strategy is to widely apply the achievements of space science and technology. space science and technology in the fields of national defense and security, natural resources and environmental management, monitoring and support to reduce damage caused by natural disasters, providing a variety of services to the people; improving the country’s scientific and technological potential, contributing to ensuring independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, promote socio-economic development and ensure national interests. other. The strategy strives to train a team of about 300 experts, and 3000 engineers deployed in the field of space science and technology; invest in upgrading about 10 specialized laboratories; develop strong research groups in space science, space technology, space science, and technology application…
Space Engineering, the first 4-year engineer training program in Vietnam since 2016, focuses on Remote Sensing Technology, Positioning Technology and Space Science to catch up with the inevitable development trend of Aerospace Science. space technology and application of space technology in Vietnam to social life, economic development and national security.
With such orientations, the Space Engineering students at the International University will become space engineers in the future, contributing to serving the National Strategy, developing the country and contributing to society.
Information is announced at https://vpcp.chinhphu.vn/chien-luoc-phat-trien-va-ung-dung-khoa-hoc-va-cong-nghe-vu-tru-den-nam-2030- 11525530.htm. The full Strategy can be read at https://www.most.gov.vn/Images/FileVanBan/169_QD_TTg.pdf.